Understanding Your Healthcare Costs
菲律宾博彩集团排名致力于帮助您了解和准备您或您所爱的人可能在菲律宾博彩集团排名医院接受的任何医疗服务, 包括估算你接受治疗的自付费用的能力.
Cost Estimator
菲律宾博彩集团排名的成本估算器是一个方便的方式,为您估计您的自付费用的程序或服务. 这个用户友好的工具允许您从数百个菲律宾博彩集团排名最常用的服务中搜索,以找出您估计的自付费用是多少, based on your health insurance coverage. 使用此工具,您将能够看到每个服务的以下信息:
- An easy-to-understand description of the primary procedure or service
- A list of available services such as room and board, secondary procedures and services, supplies, or other needs that are typically provided with the primary service
- Your out-of-pocket cost estimate for your service
菲律宾博彩集团排名的成本估算器是免费使用的,不需要用户注册或密码访问. You will be asked to provide some basic information, 包括有关您的健康保险范围的信息(如果您有保险), to provide the most accurate estimate possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How did you determine which services to include in the Cost Estimator?
成本估算包括由医疗保险中心指定的70项预先确定的服务 & Medicaid Services (CMS), 以及菲律宾博彩集团排名设施中至少230项最常用的服务.
- What if I cannot find the service I am looking for?
If you are unable to locate a service in the Cost Estimator, you may speak to a patient services representative at 606-849-5010.
- 我在成本估算中收到的估算是否包括我将支付的所有费用?
你的成本估算,正如它的标题所说,只是你最终成本的估算. Final out-of-pocket cost is dependent on several factors, including your individual health insurance coverage, as well as patient-specific financial needs and other considerations. Additionally, cost estimates may not include some specific services, like physician/provider services and pathology services, that are not provided by the hospital and may be billed separately, 以及任何基于最终停留时间的不可预见的费用和任何可能出现的意外并发症.
One patient's needs may be vastly different from another's, even though they come to the hospital for the same procedure. It is difficult to estimate how this can differ.
菲律宾博彩集团排名建议所有患者使用成本估算工具来确定他们自付费用的估计, 请参阅此页面上的其他信息,然后联系他们的健康保险公司或患者服务代表 606-849-5010 with any further questions specific to their individual situation.
- 我从成本估算器中对某项特定服务的估算是否包括我因该服务而需要的任何额外程序或服务?
成本估算器中的主要服务与辅助服务“捆绑”在一起,这些辅助服务通常与该主要服务相对应,因此您可以尽可能完整地估计您的自付成本. However, 您的估计不包括任何与您的服务可能产生的意外延期或意外并发症相关的潜在费用.
- If I see a lower price from another hospital or healthcare provider, will you "price match" the lower price?
- How long is my estimate good for?
Your estimate is, as its title states, merely an estimate. 它不具有约束力,仅旨在为您提供预测的成本范围,以帮助您对您的医疗保健做出准备和明智的决策. 医疗保健费用是根据与第三方付款人的合同协议确定的, like health insurance companies, and other factors, and thus are subject to potential fluctuations. Please see our Cost Estimator disclaimer for more information.
Also, 病人的任何收费都取决于各种因素,例如他或她必须在医院呆多久, any unexpected complications that may arise, specific supplies and items needed for care, 需要或建议进行额外的检测来评估患者的病情. 一个病人的需求可能与另一个病人的需求大不相同,即使他们来医院做同样的手术. It is difficult to estimate how this can differ.
- How does a provider set its prices?
Healthcare providers' prices are based on multiple factors, including but not limited to the cost of the service (i.e. equipment and supplies, personnel, etc.) and prices of similar services offered.
医院价格的设定考虑了预期的就诊患者组合,并反映了不同第三方付款人的预期付款, such as insurance companies and the government. In addition, they are typically set to achieve an overall small positive margin, so a hospital can keep up with community needs, reinvest in the hospital's services and facilities, provide care for those who can't pay, 与与医院有共同使命的组织合作并给予支持,这样医院才能继续为社区提供最好的医疗服务.
- Why do different providers have different prices? Shouldn't one service cost about the same from one facility to the next?
Prices vary because all hospitals are different. Size, staffing, technology and equipment, services offered, the intensity of care provided, patients served, 许多其他因素都会影响医院运营所需的资金,以及它对服务收取的费用.
- 你在做什么来帮助病人减少或更好地管理他们的自付费用?
当涉及到患者费用时,菲律宾博彩集团排名受到许多法律和法规的限制, 病人服务代表可以帮助个人确定他们或他们所爱的人可能需要的护理的潜在成本,并探索哪些项目, payment options and discounts may be available to them.
Cost Estimator Disclaimer
成本估算表中包含的成本不一定等同于您对任何服务的实际最终财务责任. 它们仅旨在为您提供您自付费用的估计范围,最终的自付费用取决于几个因素, including discounts associated with health insurance coverage, 以及基于经济需求和其他考虑因素的潜在患者特定折扣. 菲律宾博彩集团排名建议所有患者使用成本估算工具来确定他们自付费用的估计, 请参阅此页面上的其他信息,然后与他们的健康保险公司或菲律宾博彩集团排名的业务办公室联系,了解他们个人情况的任何进一步问题. View hospital charge listing.